Monday, November 17, 2008

The Challenge of the Times

If we read the history of our nation, and in particular, the history leading up to the Great Depression, can see how we got in our current econominc mess. In some ways, we are in more treacherous circumstances than when FDR became president during the earlier years of the depression. We are at unfathomable levels of a national deficit, and we are in an opened Pandora's Box of a war, and we may not have as great of an unemployment rate, but we have many people under-employed and making far less than they did several years ago. But, for the most part, the situation is similar to 1929.

But understanding our past, and how things work is part of figuring out how we can get out of this. Fortunately, we have a new leader who is intelligent, and who listens and is mentally agile to keep up with the evolving circumstances. We must do our best to stay positive and give our leaders time to get us out of this great mess. We must also strive to be great citizens and work and live in a cooperative manner. We can turn this around, and we will have to make continued sacrifices, but we can get through this and leave our nation stronger and better through lessons learned. Yes we can.

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