Saturday, November 8, 2008

Writing Groove - Day 1

Some people make New Years resolutions; I'm making a new election resolution. I was so moved by the landslide election of Barack Obama, that felt empowered to reach for my heart's desire. I am going to write. Writing is my passion, but like many who love to write, I just can't seem to put my words down on digital paper very often. As many writers do, I fear failing. I fear failing to be good enough, to be relevant, to be interesting. I fear you won't read me, and if you do, you will scoff at my words. That is why I delicately place these words down while playing it safe. At first, I won't open up too much, I won't take big risks, I won't try too be too witty, too wise, too engaging, or too controversial (that is, unless you don't like my dear President Elect Obama). The hope is that I will get into my "writing groove", find my voice, and grow as a writer through blogging.

So, with renewed inspiration, that anything is possible in this great country. Obstacles can be overcome, people and nations can grow and change, and, if you really believe in something, don't let anyone tell you it can't happen. When I first began to support Obama's candidacy, I was armed with some knowledge through reading his books, with hope, with determination, but I didn't know exactly how it would all come into fruition.

The same goes with my dream of writing. I love to write, I would love to be published, but I don't know exactly what direction my writing will take. I will, however, take the first step, right here, and begin to write.Through consistent writing, I know my voice, my ideas, my skill and my creativity will grow. I will make a sincere effort not to hold back, or to judge myself too harshly. I don't want self-criticism to keep me from moving forward.

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